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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Please, Thank You, and Excuse Me by Ashley Chadwick #bookreview #childrensbook #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


the lost art of mannerisms


Children's Book

Date Published: April 5, 2023

Publisher: Mindstir Media

Cori Elba (Illustrator)


When your children are learning to speak, it can come out and grunts, screams, or yells.

This can make it hard to understand them. To help them through this tough time, start by getting on their level. Look them in the eyes and reassure them that it is okay to get frustrated. Then ask them to use their words with please, thank you, and excuse me. These three basic phrases set a foundation for the language you will share between you and your child. Just remember… Repeat, repeat, repeat. Stay with their consistent repetition. You might grow tired of it, but to your two-year-old, it’s the routine they need to develop.

Politeness is spoken worldwide and in every language, whether in public or private. The simplicity of kindness teaches that everyone matters in this world. These three children's books (“Please, Thank You and Excuse Me,” “Listen, Share, and Be Nice,” and “Animal Etiquette for Kids”) are lighthearted and geared for all ages. Mannerisms must start somewhere, so why not parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, and caregivers show our children mutual respect for all people, places, and things?

This series of children's books is a fun way to re-introduce manners into your children's lives. It's cool to be polite and kind to everyone.


The book teaches a good lesson. Manners are so important in society. It does it in a way that doesn’t seem like the child is being taught but in a fun way.

When you read to a child 5 months and above, it’s important to reinforce these concepts. This is a great addition to a young childs library.

About the Author

Ashley has been a professional nanny for over fifteen years and the owner of a nanny service. She incorporates nature with mild education and mannerisms in children's lives. When Ashley is not a nanny, she is a world traveler, nature enthusiast, and loves mountain biking, yoga, and spending time with her nephew, Walker.


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